J C Cattle Company was founded in the early 80's in the beautiful Flint Hills of Central Kansas. This is a family operation to the core. Based around a hard working family, kids, and the country lifestyle. Family is the basis of our operation. Cindy Brown, loves her horses and her Herefords. We are always finding ourselves out on horseback, working or gathering cattle, roping in the arena or heading out to a team roping or ranch rodeo somewhere. Thanks to her influence, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Cindy's sons, Jason and Justin have taken over the brunt of the working day by day operations of J C Cattle. These boys give it their all every day. They run and operate J C HARVESTING AND HAY GRINDING, LLC. They run two mighty giant Hay Grinders, and a Harvesting Crew, for silage and grain crops. And along with Brown Brothers farming, haying and farming grain crops for us and custom customers. Thousands of acres are covered every year.
Their cattle herd is based on the foundation in registered Horned Herefords. Stout functional, moderately made females that do their job. They also have a large herd of commercial Hereford and Angus females. The F1 influence is great in them and the cows do a great job!
Lori, Jason's wife, finds herself in the show barn most days. Loves promoting their cattle, through the show ring and takes pride in producing a functional animal that can make an impact in both the show ring and the pasture. No fat show heifers or bulls here that can't work in the pasture.
We always welcome visitors and you can find their cattle in a few select sales throughout the year. But we also sell females, bulls and a few show heifers and steers every year though private treaty. Each year they offer "Pride in the Pasture On-line Sale" Give them a call and they would love to show you the herds and operation that they have put together. Thanks for stopping by!
J C Harvesting is a business started by Jason and Justin Brown in 2004.
J C Cattle Company
2769 Humboldt Creek Rd, Dwight, Kansas 66849, United States
Copyright © 2025 J C Cattle Company - All Rights Reserved.
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Hereford, Angus and Gelbvieh Cattle. Check out the Feb 21, 2025 Pen of 5 at NCC TS Hereford Bull Sale We have some great two year old bulls for sale Feb 22, 2025